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November 05, 2004

It's a Purple Country

Here's a great visual aid showing how close the election really was.

And here are a few good points about the "mandate myth":

# Assuming Bush gets New Mexico and Iowa, he will have gotten the lowest percentage of electoral votes (54%) of any incumbent running for reelection since Wilson. If those two states should swing Kerry's way (NM might), it'll be even lower.

# He will have won with the lowest percentage of the popular vote (51%) of any incumbent running for reelection since Truman (well, technically since Clinton, but he also ran against Perot, who was a more significant 3rd-party candidate than Thurmond and Wallace were in '48)

# He will have won by the lowest margin of the popular vote (3.5M) of any incumbent running for reelection since Truman (2.1M, and back then only 50M voted).

# He will have won the three states that put him over 270 (OH, NM and IA--assuming the last two go his way) by only 161,989 (not counting the provisional ballots, absentee, etc.).
(from: http://interestingtimes.typepad.com/interesting_times/2004/11/some_historical.html)

The supposed 'liberal media' is lieing to us with talk of a "mandate" and great victory. Let's keep it in historical perspective.

Posted by John at November 5, 2004 08:34 PM


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