"For those, like me, who are not mathematicians, the computer can be a powerful friend to the imagination. Like mathematics, it doesn't only stretch the imagination. It also disciplines and controls it."
-Richard Dawkins "The Blind Watchmaker"


Software design is a process of problem solving. By understanding a problem from the top, down, the designer reduces a large problem into a series of smaller and smaller tasks until a functioning program is complete. From this perspective, computer languages become the vocabulary of problem solving.


The Process

Large projects necessarily require a discovery process, an agreement on requirements, a design phase, and milestones. Smaller projects can rely solely on a design phase. Clear and consistant communication with the client is essential to a successful project. I use email, instant message services, and the good old telephone to facilitate this for off site work.


The Tools

Primary project development is preformed using NetBeans and the J2SDK 1.4. I run Windows 2000 and RedHat 7.2 Linux.


The Price

$30-$60 per hour depending on the length and complexity of the project. Project bidding is often acceptable given clear and finite requirements.


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